An eco-friendly coffee subscription for the gift that keeps on giving

Family-run roastery, Apostle Coffee, has revolutionised the UK coffee landscape by combining award- winning quality with an unwavering commitment to sustainable and ethical practices. From bean to cup, the supply chain is transparent, traceable and accredited, ensuring the highest standards are upheld throughout the coffee journey. Operating as a carbon neutral business since their inception in 2016, Apostle Coffee has cemented its status as the UK’s most environmentally friendly coffee company. Beyond their carbon offsetting subscription service, Apostle Coffee offers an extensive range of gifts tailored to the needs of conscientious coffee enthusiasts.

As the UK’s only ‘off-grid’ organic coffee roastery, sustainability has been woven into Apostle Coffee’s story since the very beginning. The roastery sources only certified organic coffee beans, ensures fair producers to engage in regenerative and sustainable farming practices. Every coffee bean is processed and roasted by hand in Shropshire using power generated on site via a dedicated wind turbine and solar panels. The coffee is packaged in home-compostable and plastic-free materials with labels printed on-site using eco-friendly inks. Apostle Coffee’s commitment goes one step further by scheduling roasting, packaging and delivery for maximum efficiency and minimal waste. The dedication to sustainability doesn’t stop once the coffee is on the way to your door. Waste materials are composted on site and a returnable service is provided for members who struggle prices at source and works with coffee to compost at home. With every new subscriber, a native broadleaf tree is planted in the UK. With a commitment to supporting charity, 1% of income is donated to developing new carbon capturing technologies and an additional 1% is donated to WWF in support of their impactful environmental work.

Instagram: @apostle_coffee

For further information, please get in touch.


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